
Selected publications from Google Scholar in reversed chronological order.


  1. A reformulation of additive models
    Alex Wozniakowski
    Nanyang Technological University , 2022


  1. A new formulation of gradient boosting
    Alex Wozniakowski ,  Jayne Thompson ,  Mile Gu , and 1 more author
    Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2021


  1. Holographic software for quantum networks
    Arthur Jaffe ,  Zhengwei Liu ,  and  Alex Wozniakowski
    Science China Mathematics, 2018


  1. Constructive simulation and topological design of protocols
    Arthur Jaffe ,  Zhengwei Liu ,  and  Alex Wozniakowski
    New Journal of Physics, 2017
  2. Covert quantum internet
    Kamil Bradler ,  George Siopsis ,  and  Alex Wozniakowski
    arXiv, 2017
  3. Quon 3D language for quantum information
    Zhengwei Liu ,  Alex Wozniakowski ,  and  Arthur Jaffe
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017


  1. Qudit isotopy
    Arthur Jaffe ,  Zhengwei Liu ,  and  Alex Wozniakowski
    arXiv, 2016